Structures Unlimited® Honors Tofee Shamatta as Top Salesman

Eastern Mass Sales Rep Earns Distinction as #1 Producer

Structures Unlimited, Inc., which has been creating the most energy efficient, diffuse-light-transmitting skylights, enclosures and natatoriums for over 47 years, named Tofee Shamatta as the 2018 Salesman of the Year.

Shamatta joined Structures Unlimited, Inc., and its strategic partner, Kalwall® Corporation, in 2016 as sales representative for most of eastern Massachusetts including Boston, the South Shore, as well as Cape Cod and the islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. He brought along extensive experience as both an owner and designer in the construction industry.

“Tofee’s understanding of the region and the relationships he built in the industry have boosted our sales in eastern Massachusetts,” says Mark McNichol, Director of Sales for Structures Unlimited.

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